Morawa Sporting Shooters
Phone: 0407 773 286
SSAA Morawa Branch is located in the picturesque hills of Koolanooka, aprox 25km from the town site of Morawa and 2km from Koolanooka Springs which is a popular tourist destination. The SSAA Morawa Complex backs onto 17.5 hectares of virgin bush land with different varieties of wildflowers in spring and many different bird and wildlife species that call the Morawa Complex home.
We may be far removed from town but we boast a 200m range, 50m range, shotgun layout, full camping facilities including, showers, men and women's toilets, generator power, rainwater, clubhouse with undercover patio area and fully equipped kitchen.
If you are interested in finding out more please don’t hesitate to give us a call or email
Simon Taylor - 0412 331 167
Disciplines shot include:
- Field Pistol
- Field Rifle/3P
- Rifle Metallic Silhouette
- Clay Target Shotgun.