Perth Field Rifle Club
Neil Cobb
Phone: 0404 040 357
Perth Field Rifle Club Club is affiliated with the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (SSAA), which in turn is affiliated with the International Shooting Union, the Australian Shooting Association and the Australian Olympic Federation. Hence, our members have the opportunity to compete for Australia in international competition.
The range offers members and visitors covered firing points for all-weather shooting, ample parking, barbecue facilities and a modern clubhouse, including rifle racks and covered verandas.
Disciplines practised:
- Rifle Matches- Field Rifle & 3 Positional, Combined Services, Benchrest, Fly Shoot
- Shotgun matches- Trap, Tower, Skeet, Simulated Field, 5-Stand
- Handgun matches- Field Pistol, Handgun Metallic Silhouette