Perth Lever Action Rifle Club
Kelvin Leong
Phone: 0467 488 370

The Perth Lever Action Rifle Club Inc. shoots fortnightly throughout the year with the revolver section shooting monthly. In recent years we have implemented more competitions with hunter class rifle and field pistol becoming popular, we also have shoots for our senior members which take place monthly on a Wednesday morning.
Facilities of the range are of high standard and include a well equipped club house with canteen, office, scoring room and targets store. Adequate parking is provided together with BBQ facilities and toilet/shower facilities.
Our range has 30 covered firing points, 15 at 50mtrs and 15 at 100mtrs. We also have a running target range in a bush setting plus a safety area for any malfunctions which may occur. All shoots are controlled by the club captain and their team of range officers. Safe shooting is strongly promoted by the club and its members at all times.
Our aim is to promote Lever Action Rifle Target Shooting for all the family in a safe and friendly environment. Visitors are always welcome, so come along and join us for a shoot.
Disciplines practised:
- Lever Action
- Cowboy Lever Action Silhouette (CLAS)
- Revolver
- Mandar