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Perth Rifle Metallic Silhouette Club

Wanneroo Shooting Complex, Pinjar WA 6078, Australia

Dale Harrison
Phone: 0438 052 707

Welcome to the Perth Rifle Metallic Silhouette Club (PRMSC).

We shoot rifle, shotgun and handgun competitions in a safe, relaxed and family friendly atmosphere. Rifle shooting is the mainstay of the club and its popularity is ever increasing. We shoot air rifles, rimfire rifles and centrefire rifles at metallic targets at ever increasing ranges.

If precision is your preference, we also shoot paper targets from the bench.

For those interested in “Practical Hunting,” a variety of field like positions are employed to shoot at paper animals at unknown distances.

Shotgun shooting is always fast and exciting. From simulated Field and Game matches through to the more orderly Down the Line and Five Stand competitions, we have most styles covered.

We also find time to run matches in Handgun Metallic Silhouette. This can be quite a challenging and addictive pastime. Trying to shoot tiny steel targets at ranges of up to 200m, can be very demanding and frustrating, yet an immense amount of fun.

We invite you to come up to a shoot, make yourself known to the club captain, Doug or any of the committee, look for red caps! We are a friendly lot so please come up for a shot – visitors are always welcome.

Become a member

When you join SSAA you become part of Australia’s largest shooting organisation and join thousands of other people around the country in ensuring the future of the shooting sports.

As a member you’ll have access to shooting clubs, a national magazine and a great insurance package for your firearms at home and in the field along with lots of other great benefits.

Your membership gives us strength to lobby the State and Federal Governments on matters that affect our sport. The greater our membership, the more effective we are.
