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How do I apply for a handgun licence?

Obtaining a pistol license is a similar process to a regular firearms licence but does have a few extra requirements to meet

1. Club Membership 

Join a handgun/ pistol club. Find a Club here.

Once you have been a member of a pistol club for at least 6 months, you may apply to licence a pistol. The club you join will hold different matches, which will allow you to apply for certain firearms/calibres depending on these matches. A second and subsequent handgun cannot be approved until you have been a member for a minimum of 12 months.

2. Complete a Safety Awareness Test 

3. Choose/purchase a handgun 

4. Obtain the Serviceability Form 

This is a form that a dealer can complete and sign once they have the handgun in their possession. It is a form that identifies the firearm you wish to licence (with its serial number, etc.)

You need to take this form to you Club and ask for a support letter. With this 'Club Support Letter (Form 1)', you can then complete the application.

5. Complete an online application

Application for a Western Australian Firearms Licence 

6. Submit the Application

You then take all of this paper work to the post office with 100 points of ID. This is where you submit the application. It is now a matter of waiting for correspondence from Police Licensing.

If your application is successful, you will need to show evidence of storage as you do with a regular application. WAPOL Licensing will send you this paper work. (Statutory Declaration 22 Form)

Become a member

When you join SSAA you become part of Australia’s largest shooting organisation and join thousands of other people around the country in ensuring the future of the shooting sports.

As a member you’ll have access to shooting clubs, a national magazine and a great insurance package for your firearms at home and in the field along with lots of other great benefits.

Your membership gives us strength to lobby the State and Federal Governments on matters that affect our sport. The greater our membership, the more effective we are.
